image002Invoking the protection and intercession of The Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint John the Evangelist, the patron saint of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Archbishop Jerome Listecki will convene their much anticipated Synod at the end of this week. The opening Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist on Friday 6 June at 7:00 PM. The remainder of the scheduled events will take place throughout the Pentecost weekend. The Diocese of La Crosse extends its prayers and asks for the invocation of the Holy Spirit upon our friend and former Ordinary, Archbishop Listecki and the priests, deacons, consecrated religious, seminarians and the entire People of God of the Archdiocese as this historic and sacred event opens a new chapter in their history and the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Wisconsin. Praised be Jesus Christ!

A Synod, simply put, is an assembly where the faithful deliberate on the pastoral needs of the diocese. A diocesan synod is called by the bishop, where he gathers together ordained and lay leaders from throughout his diocese.

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee Synod will bring together people from their entire Catholic community including priests, parish directors, deacons, parish staff members, lay parish leaders, parishioners and representatives of religious communities and lay groups to discuss archdiocesan and parish pastoral priorities for the Church of southeastern Wisconsin.

The Synod and the sessions leading up to it should be a wonderful and exciting spirit-led process that will give the archdiocese a clearer direction of priorities for the next 10 years and beyond.

Here in the Diocese of La Crosse, we are considering several ideas or similar events as we look forward to the 150th Anniversary of our Diocese in 2018. I am receiving input from various advisors as I’m drafting some thoughts concerning the future direction and my priorities for our Diocese. Ultimately, these thoughts may be expressed to you in a Pastoral Letter.

Of necessity, there is a desire to join with the various consultative groups of priests and laity to provide such a “blue-print” for the Diocese at large. Finally, as documents are created, they will be given over to the People of God for prayer and study in preparation for a diocesan meeting or gathering, should we choose to pursue that idea.

Much work, as you can see, goes into such a meeting. We, therefore, salute our brothers and sisters in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and pray to God for a resurgence of the Holy Spirit throughout the Church!

Send forth Your Spirit, O Lord, that the face of the earth be renewed!

Celebrate the Holy Spirit at Pentecost Sunday Mass!